An important test

Today I’m going to talk about an important test to me when I was in high school. I was eighteen years old and I just want to finish school phase and going to the university.

My last test in high school was an important test about chemistry. I really loved that subject, but the last part of the year was boring and I was demotivate with this. I didn’t want to study and, in this moment, I knew I didn’t want to study engineering, so the subject lost its importance to me. Because it was the last test, I didn’t need a great mark (they were good and my NEM didn’t made better), so I went to the school and I tried to think in anything else that wasn’t the test. When I was to the classroom, arrived the teacher and I decided that test didn’t matter, and I was finishing my school phase therefore anything deserve the suffering. I took the test, answered it and suddenly the teacher saw me (I don’t know why, until today don’t know) and asked me if I was fine. I answer something unintelligible and went on in my piece of paper. I finished and went to eat chips with my friends near school. Next week, when teacher gave marks, I had 70.

This test was important because reassert my decision about study sociology and any career related with sciences. And because it was the last test in my school life.


PET Words

Six questions witth PET Vocabulary words

Places: buildings

Tell about a visit to the museum you attended recently
How often do you go to the cinema?
Do you go to café when you hang out with your friends?

Food and drink

What beverage do you drink in a café?
What is your favorite dessert?
What do you think about women who live in diet?


A special gift to you

In last post we write about a special birthday. Now, because we are remember special things for us, it's good focus on another thing: write about a special gift you have received.

What was the gift
Why did you receive it
What you did,
Why you remember it.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 250 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.


A special birthday


In horrible days like today (for the weather, nothing else) it’s always good remember nice situations of our lives. Therefore I want to share you one special birthday of mine, my 9th birthday. I don’t consider a birthday like an important celebration but in Latin America is a special celebration: I was born in german city in Belgium, where is not customary a big celebration in birthdays.  

I arrived to Chile when I was seven years old and before that I didn’t celebrate my birthday until the 9th celebration. My uncle lent his house, which was bigger than mine, my aunt gave me a great birthday cake and my parents bought the rest (food, decorations, music). The best part of that is a piñata handmade by my mom: a piñata is a container, which is usually brightly, colored and decorated, made of cardboard or similar material that holds candy, trinkets and toys, and it is generally suspended from a rope and is broken open by blindfolded children wielding batons or sticks during a party. Then, my parents, knowing my friends, invited them but in secret because they wanted to give me a great surprise.

That day, I was at dentist with my mom, and before that she said me that in uncle’s house my family were waiting for me. A family dinner is always a good moment, but when I came in a house and appeared in front of me my friends with gifts, it was so nice and I must admit that it was so exciting and enjoyed my birthday.
That's all for now, see you!


Free post: Rudin

Hi everyone:

Today, we should write about free topic. I’m not the most creative person, so I think is good idea talk to you about a book that has a profound impact on me.

When I am fifteen-year-old girl, in summer vacations I read a Russian novel, its name is Rudin, the first novel written by Iván Turgueniév. Story is in the middle nineteen-century in the Russian country, with a medieval landowner system that was against the interests of peasants. It talks about superfluous life and inability to act, and is a love story where young but intellectual and self-conscious woman is contrasted with the main hero.

In a country house lived Lasunskaya family, with Daria Mikhailovna (the widow) and her twelve-year-old son and Natasha, her seventeen-year-old daughter. Rudin is the Dimitri’s last name, a well-educated, intellectual and extremely eloquent nobleman that has economics problems and depends on others for his livings.  His childhood was poor, and his mother had to spent all the money she had on him and that’s the way that Dimitri went to university, in Moscow and then in Berlin. He arrived at Lasunskaya house because he met Daria Mikhailovna in a Moscow hall, where she is considered like a wealthy and distinguished lady, but rather eccentric woman.

Natasha is observant, well-read and intelligent, but also quite secretive. While her mother thinks of her as a good-natured and well-mannered girl, she’s not of a high opinion about her intelligence, and quite wrongly. She also thinks Natasha is “cold”, emotionless, but in the throughout the story, we are witness that her feelings were strong and deep, but reserved, she seldom even sighed and only grew slightly pale when anything distressed her. She engages in intellectual conversations with Rudin, about how old love is replaced by new one. In that way, Rudin fell in love with Natasha, and Natasha fell in love with Rudin.

However, Daria Mikhailovna disapproved this romance, and offered Rudin the opportunity to go away and she wouldn’t report him as a crime (Natasha is underage). So, he left Lasunskaya house only left a letter to Natasha, who wants to go out with Dimitri: he doesn’t want and go abroad.

Last thing we read s about an old man that die in a barricade, in a French Revolution of 1848.

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