The best is...

Karl Marx.

He was a german political economist, sociologist, philosopher, historian, political theorist and theoric founder of communism, political theory mentioned in his book The communist Manifesto (http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/index.htm) and materialized principally in structure of ancient Union of Socialist Sovietics Republics.

His principal ideas are:

- The whole of what is called world history is the creation of human labors.
- Capitalist development prevents human beings from reaching their full potential asself-determining beings.
- Only when capitalists are overthrown, private property is abolished, and comunal ownership of the means of production is established by ab initial dictatorship of the proletariat can economic justice be achieved.

I like Marx because he was able to do and write what he wanted and thought, whatever society thought about him and his ideas. He lived in Germany his childhood and youth. Later he lived exiled in France, Belgium and England, where he lived until the end of his days, and published his major work: The Capital (three volumes are available in http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/index.htm). I admired his will and conviction in front of an adverse scene to his ideas. Also, he lived almost his life in the poverty and was socially rejected, because by his political position for him was very difficult to obtain a work, for what occasionally he wass obtaining small works with low salary.

In the future, I want to possess Marx's courage and conviction when my ideas are new and irreverent, and to be able to have my own theory about capitalist system.


My career: Sociology

Sociology is a relatively modern branch of academics dealing with human-social relationship. The study of Sociology involves the distinctive features of society such as hierarchies, classes, etc. As an applied field of discipline, Sociology encompasses a number of interdisciplinary fields like demography, criminology, environmental sociology, etc. So, I think I choose Sociology because is a good career if you want to combine different topics and areas of knowledge.

In the twenty first century the world is rapidly changing. As information technology, ecological pressures, and global transport networks transform our experience of today and our expectations of the future; sociology is vital to our understanding of the world, moreover, as the study of human social life, groups and societies, sociology is very importante. It is a wide-ranging subject concerned with analysing social relationships and social institutions and the ways in which they shape people's lives, so, Sociology is necessary for drawing up social programmes in Public Politics, campaign for themes considered relevant for looping alter social agreement.

Good sociologist should be open-minded person, good writter and reader (books that I must read are too complicated), versatile and improvisator, and is important speaking and reading very well english, which is necessary for reading many book without spanish translation and innovador researches made in Europe or United States.

In my career, my favourite subject is Latin America’s Social History, because let me know another vision about its culture and identity building like colony during three centuries and emerging democracy, well away from official history and prejuiced vision about our neighbour countries.

Sociology has several areas of specialization, but now I don't have clear what area like much than others.

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