Today I’m going to
talk about an important test to me when I was in high school. I was eighteen
years old and I just want to finish school phase and going to the university.
About Me
An important test
Posted by Carolina at 11:45
PET Words
Six questions witth PET Vocabulary words
Tell about a
visit to the museum you attended recently
Food and
beverage do you drink in a café?What is your favorite dessert?
What do you think about women who live in diet?
Posted by Carolina at 11:01
A special gift to you
In last post we write about a special birthday. Now, because we are remember special things for us, it's good focus on another thing: write about a special gift you have received.
What was the gift
Why did you receive it
What you did,
Why you remember it.
Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 250 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.
Posted by Carolina at 11:49
A special birthday
In horrible
days like today (for the weather, nothing else) it’s always good remember nice
situations of our lives. Therefore I want to share you one special birthday of
mine, my 9th birthday. I don’t consider a birthday like an important
celebration but in Latin America is a special celebration: I was born in german
city in Belgium, where is not customary a big celebration in birthdays.
I arrived
to Chile when I was seven years old and before that I didn’t celebrate my
birthday until the 9th celebration. My uncle lent his house, which was bigger
than mine, my aunt gave me a great birthday cake and my parents bought the rest
(food, decorations, music). The best part of that is a piñata handmade by my
mom: a piñata is a container, which is usually brightly, colored and decorated,
made of cardboard or similar material that holds candy, trinkets and toys, and
it is generally suspended from a rope and is broken open by blindfolded
children wielding batons or sticks during a party. Then, my parents, knowing my
friends, invited them but in secret because they wanted to give me a great
Posted by Carolina at 11:32
Free post: Rudin
Hi everyone:
Posted by Carolina at 12:06