Do schools kill creativity?

In English class, we had to watch a short film about how creativity isn't encouraged in children's learning.

Thanks Ken, that was a great presentation. I agree that children need to be able to explore different avenues. I find more and more young people coming out of the educational system who did everything right according to the curriculum but are basically helpless and need to be retrained on how to work. I am reminded of what Mao Zedong once said. He said that the most important person in the aftermath of a major catastrophe will be the guy who knows how to make the plumbing work.

I think we need to match young people to their talents and train them to be a success in their chosen field no matter if they wear a tie to work or not. We need to find out what people are best at and then help them achieve success and not just “educate” the heck out of them according to some general formula and then put them in a corporate pigeonhole.

What an excellent speaker. I particularly agree with his comment about the academic world shifting beneath our feet. We need a new system that better suits this new world we’re in. I’d like to add that schools are one thing, but also, it seems to me that regulations hinder creativity. Arts funding promotes certain types of creativity in favour of others and so acts as a kind of censorship.


Paula said...

Excellent review, Carolina.

This is the marking criteria:

All aspects of the task are very well handled. 3 points.

Excellent use of lexical resources.
3 points.

Grammar is excellent and almost error-free. 3 points.

9 points= 7.0.


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